Create your card
« Not-Ordinal Cards » (NOC) is a permissionless collaborative & coordinated digital collectible cards experiment. It’s based on Bitcoin Ordinal inscriptions and it’s led + curated by the community.
The concept is as simple as resilient: immutable freedom. Anyone can create her/his own card with the art, name and supply (s)he wants, to then inscribe it on Bitcoin Ordinal(s).
Official supply of a card is based on the sequential order of its inscriptions. So if a card with a supply of 10 is created, then only the 10 first copies of it inscribed on Bitcoin are the official ones. The card can be inscribed by anybody as long as the final supply is not reached. Out of supply ones will be obsolete. You can check remaining supply in the NOC index
CREATE A NEW CARD (refer to use case attached below):
- You have to use this template here to create your card.
- Refer to the use case attached below to create your card (DO NOT edit “NOT-” prefix top left before the name of your card and DO NOT edit “1/” before the supply you choose, otherwise your card cannot be part of the official curated collection)
- Once your card is ready, export it (.jpeg format is recommended, pay attention to the card quality before mint, it has to be fully readable once inscribed to be part of the official curated collection). You can use Squoosh or CompressOrDie to effectively reduce the size of your file while preserving quality.
- You can now inscribe your card (you have to use the same file for every inscription of your card), you are free to inscribe the whole supply of your card yourself OR let the community inscribe it too. To inscribe your card, you can use OrdinalBot (⚠️ disable "Optimize Image" option to avoid your file to be compromized).
- Once the copy(is) of your card is(are) inscribed, you have to add the link(s) and ID(s) of the inscription(s) to the NOC index (sheet is editable by everyone, raws will be locked by admins once it is verified). If you have any issue to add your card / inscription ids to the index, please submit it in the "Submit-card-inscription" channel in the Discord
- Refer to the NOC index to see which cards are available for inscription (anybody can mint available cards)
- Once you found the card you want to inscribe, open the first inscription’s link of this card and right click save the image (⚠️ USE THE FILE FROM THE FIRST INSCRIPTION’S LINK TO INSCRIBE THE CARD).
- You can now inscribe the card copy(ies) (you have to use the same file for every inscription of the card). To inscribe the card copy(ies), you can use OrdinalBot (⚠️ disable "Optimize Image" option to avoid the file to be compromized).
- Once you inscribed the copy(ies) of the card, you have to add the link(s) and ID(s) of your inscription(s) to the NOC index (sheet is editable by everyone, raws will be locked by admins once it is verified). If you have any issue to add your inscription ids to the index, please submit it in the "Submit-card-inscription" channel in the Discord
- Awesome Ordinals repo list of all Ordinal related resources (by crypt0biwan)
- Xverse Wallet or Ordinals Wallet to manage, store and transfer your Bitcoisns and Ordinal inscriptions
- OrdinalBot or Gamma to easily make inscriptions
- Mempool to check current sat/vB estimations to make an inscription
- Instacalc to calculate the cost of an inscription based on the file size and Mempool sat/vB estimations
- Adam's tutorial to transfer your inscription(s) to an Emblem Vault (to make it tradable on Ethereum and OpenSea)
- Xverse tutorial to transfer your inscriptions from Sparrow to Xverse Wallet
- Marketplaces to sell or buy secondary: Ordin.als, OrdSwap, ScarceCity
The idea is mainly inspired by 1993 Hal Finney’s crypto trading card concept (an easter egg is included in the NOC template, the screenshot of Hal’s 1993 email describing crypto trading card concept can be seen in very low opacity in the description field’s background as a tribute to his pioneering vision) and Rarepepe community led crypto art project occurring since 2016. The name "Not-Ordinal'' is a meme and peaceful wink to maxis and the fact the "Ordinal" word alone can drive some of them crazy early on. It’s also another way to designate "inscription", highlighting the benign amalgam occurring between it and the initial "ordinal" provenance concept it’s based on.